Sunday, August 22, 2010

Chicken Cabbage Salad

I had the day off of work the other day so I invited my sister-in-law over for lunch. I wasn't sure what to make so I started brainstorm about what "grown up ladies" eat for luncheons. Of course the first thing that came to mind was salad. I remember one time when I was in high school when i went to a luncheon with my mom and they had a bunch of different kinds of salad. I didn't really like most of them, but this one was really good, so I found what I think was the original recipe. It turned out really well, although I wasn't sure if it was actually a healthy salad. I have always heard that the darkest fruits and veggies are always the richest in nutrients. If that is true, green cabbage can't be that good for you. So I researched it and found out that cabbage is actually very healthy. It is an excellent source of vitamins C, A, E, and B as well as being high in fiber and iron. In fact, there have been many studies that suggest cabbage actually lowers the risk of cancer. Who knew? I'll be on the lookout for ways to add more cabbage into my diet.

1 pkg Top Ramen Noodles (uncooked and broken)
1/2 head cabbage, chopped
3 Tbsp roasted almonds
3 Tbsp toasted sesame seeds
3 green onions, chopped
2 chicken breasts cooked and chopped

1/2 cup salad oil (I used about 1/3 cup canola and the rest sesame oil)
3/4 Tbsp rice vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp sugar

Mix dressing and pour over salad; mix well. Best if made 24 hours before.

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